Our Canada Fishing Trip info page is to provide our visitors with links to informative sites.
Pleasure Craft Operator Card – for boat renters who want to be on the water faster than filling out a Boater Checklist each time.
Ear Falls – Motels and restaurants in the Ear Falls area.
Canada Border Crossing Services – free consultation for Outdoorsman with DUI or other criminal records. Email info@bordercrossing.ca or call 1-800-438-7020
Canadian Firearms Program – Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s website providing information about bringing firearms into Canada.
Ontario Fishing Regulation 2024 Summary – a summary of rules and regulations pertaining to Recreational Fishing in Ontario broken into segments for faster downloading. Woman River Camp is located in zone 4.
Ontario Hunting Regulation 2024 Summary – a summary of rules and regulations pertaining to Hunting in Ontario broken into segments for faster downloading. Woman River Camp hunts in Wildlife Management Units (WMU) 3, 4 and 16A.
Sportsman Lawyers Is a law office specializing in entering Canada. For Business or Pleasure. You are always provided a free consultation to determine the best approach to your issue. Call today 612-206-3721