Driving instructions to Ear Falls, Ontario via International Falls, MN.
Most of our guests travel through International Falls, MN when entering Canada. The instructions below are the most direct route. We recommend using Mapquest.com to determine your best route or click on the Google map below and enter your address. Use Ear Falls, Ontario as your destination and then add 1hour for the trip from town to Woman River Camp. Simply follow the signs from town. Don’t start dreaming about fish until after you turn onto South Bay Rd. at the “Lodges” sign. Woman River Camp is approximately 4.5 – 5 hours north of International Falls, Minnesota, 384km or 240 miles.
- Head east out of Fort Frances on Hwy 11 (30Km)
- Turn left onto Hwy 502 (to Dryden 160 Km)
- At the end of the road (stop sign), turn right on Hwy 594
- Approximately 4km turn left onto Gordon Rd. and go until you come to Hwy 17 at the lights. (3km)
- Turn left onto Hwy 17 to Vermillion Bay. Travel approximately 40 km
- Turn right onto Hwy 105 north to Ear Falls. Travel 102 km
- Over the dam and turn right onto Gold Pines Rd / Hwy 657. Travel approximately 3 km
- Turn left onto Wenesaga Rd. Travel 1 km. this is a gravel road.
- Turn left onto South Bay Road (Lodge sign with arrow). Travel 49 km on gravel road. People miss this turn. Pay attention. You should occaissionally see utility poles on South Bay. You likely missed this turn. At Kilometre 47, (T intersection of South Bay Rd/Joyce Rd.)there is another LODGE sign with an arrow. Only a couple more kilometres
- Turn left onto access road and then keep right. Woman River Camp sign
- Welcome to Woman River Camp & Outposts
- Please check in at the office upon arrival.
Notes – yellow number signs along South Bay Rd. are kilometer markers. Stop at kilometer 31 on South Bay Rd. and enjoy a short nature trail to Big Falls (take your camera).
- 55mph = 90KM/h.
- Radar detectors are illegal in Ontario.
- Only hands free electronics are permitted to be used by the driver.
Look for these signs along the way

If you need to pick up supplies or groceries, both Ear Falls and Dryden have grocery stores. Dryden has a Walmart too.