No Name Lake #1 is located north of Woman River Camp near the 60km marker on South Bay Road. Another great drive-to portage lake with a very short hike. Very little is known about this body of water, hence the name. The lake has a bunch of islands and measures 2km long by 1km, wide. We know there are Northern Pike in the lake with some good size. We have only had one group of anglers fish it since we picked it up as a portage lake. They had lots of numbers and a 30” plus Northern Pike.
This is one of those lakes that could make an Ontario fishing trip amazing. Explore a lake where few have ever gone!
We have a 14ft boat on the lake and will fish up to 3 anglers.
Possession limits are Conservation Limits and in accordance with Woman River Camp’s Conservation Policy – catch and release of all Walleye over 18” and all Northern Pike over 27”
Map of ‘No Name Lake #1’, Ontario, Canada