The portage to Nelson Lake is approximately 40-45 minutes (22Km/13mi) from Woman River Camp by boat on Little Woman Lake. The portage trail is beautiful and rugged but in good shape. It is about 2.5 Km (1.5 miles) long and takes about 45 minutes to hike. This is the remotest portage lake we access by foot. The lake has about 6.89 Km of shoreline and covers over 73.6ha (181.9 acres).
The lake is a terrific Northern Pike lake with some super fast action and does produce trophy fish. Deep dark water, the lake cries for baits with good vibration and bright colours.
This is a great lake for those who like to cast or anyone who wishes to have that feeling of complete remoteness.
Woman River Camp has the only boat on the lake. It is 14′ in length, fishes 2 anglers.
Possession limits are in accordance to your fishing license and Woman River Camp Conservation Policy – catch and release of all Northern Pike larger than 27”
At this time, Nelson Lake is not open.
Map Of Nelson Lake