The Timber Wolf is a strong, powerful, intelligent animal making for one of the most challenging hunts in North America.
This colourful creature rarely stands still and when it does, its ears are erect, its eyes alert and its nose is working to sift all scents. The slightest of movement can trigger the animal to flee in an instant. Challenging? You bet! Opportunities may arise at close range but long distance is the norm.
We conduct our hunts during the fall and again in early spring. Season opens September 15 and closes March 31. A hunter requires a small game license and a wolf tag to hunt wolf. The wolf tag is valid for a calendar year and therefore is valid for parts of two seasons January 1 – March 31 and September 15 – December 31.
Hunting from a blind or treestand over bait works real well. Wolves tend to cover their territory either alone or in small packs. Sitting on stand is a waiting game that is usually won by the patient hunter. Wolves will return to an area where they have found a meal before. Calling and Spot and stalk are other techniques we like to utilize. You would be surprise who shows up to a cow moose call!
Fall Hunt pros & cons
- November 1 – December 20
- Most often we have the water still running in camp – important for showers, flush toilets
- Usually can travel with a truck or atv
- Bush can be busy with moose hunters but great to hunt over gut piles
- Temperatures are usually warmer
- Sitings are good but easier for wolves to get around
- Challenging to see fresh sign
Winter Hunt pros & cons
- January 1 – March 31st
- No running water
- Travel is by truck and snowmobile
- Few to no other people in the bush
- Temperatures are colder
- Sitings are good and deep snow keeps them on trails and roads
- Easier to see fresh sign
- They come to the call best when it is very cold
The time of the hunt really comes down to hunter comfort and preference.
Grey Wolf facts
- Canis Lupis (latin name)
- Colours vary from white, reddish, to black and all between
- Males are approx. 3m (6ft) long, 76cm (30”) tall at the shoulder and weigh 14-70kg (40-150lbs)
- 1500psi jaw strength (German Sheppard 700psi) and run 60kmph (37mph)
- Packs in our area range in size from 6-10 and up to 22
- Range 80-500 sq km depending on prey abundance
- Very territorial
- Live up to 13 years but 2-4 is the norm
- Eat 3-9kg (7- 20 lbs) at one sitting
- Preys on the young, old, & ill
- Only Alpha male and female breed – 4-7 pups
- Depends on keen hearing and smell to find prey
- Very social and have a pecking order that is always tested amongst young
Both time frames can include fishing. Either open water or ice fishing depending on the time of the hunt.
Timber Wolf Hunt
6 nights / 5 days
Timber Wolf Hunts Include:
- Cabin
- Pre-baiting
- Tracking
- Area map
- Export permit
A Cites permit is required to export an part of a Timber Wolf from Ontario.
Package Rates:
$2250.00 – fully guided
Includes –
- transportation to bait sites,
- 2 days in field guide,
- heated blind
$1600.00 – Do-it-yourself
Includes – heated blind
Not included – licenses, HST(13%), Gratuities greatly appreciated
Call Paul to discuss the equipment and best times to hunt. Access varies during seasons and depends somewhat on the logging activities at the time of the hunt. We can customize a hunt to suit your needs.