Photo Contest Winners

We are proud to announce the 2010 Photo Contest winners at Woman River Camp!

Third Place, a $100 Woman River Camp voucher, goes to Brad Fuller and Wes Knepp.  Brad and Wes have been enjoying an annual fall fishing trip to Woman River Camp since 2002.


Main lake fishing!

Second Place, a $300 Woman River Camp voucher, goes to Mike Bolgrihn and Fred Gabbei.  Their first visit to Woman River Camp was about 5 years ago.  The guys really like to fish the different portage lakes we offer.  With Snakeweed and Narrow being a couple of favourites.


Portage to Snakeweed Lake

First Place goes to John & Susie Kosko.  They receive a $500 Woman River Camp voucher!  After a long time away, John and Susie returned to Woman River Camp three years ago.  We now enjoy their company for an entire month!  Timber, our dog, especially enjoyed last summer.  The Kosko’s brought their dog Libby.  Timber made a new friend!


Shorelunch on the Woman River

Thank you to all who entered this years draw.  I am so thankful we do a random draw.  There were so many great photos this year.  Over 50 entries!  I am slowly posting the great photos to our website.  In the mean time, visit our FaceBook Page to check out some of last years highlights.

Fishing tip – a quality one piece jigging rod will be more sensitive = more hooked fish.  Unfortunately fishing rods are one of those items where better quality comes with a higher price tag.  This year when you are shopping for cool things to take to Canada, leave the tackle on the shelves and invest more in a quality fishing rod.  You will appreciate the investment for years to come.

Keep yer line tight!


Please feel free to contact me with questions regarding my fishing or hunting tips.  The easiest way is on the Woman River Camp facebook page.

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