Two Whistle Lake is 19Km (12mi) north of Woman River Camp via South Bay Road. This little lake is on the south side of Confederation Lake. There really isn’t a portage because the lake is right beside the road. The 14′ boat is very easily to launch. We send the motor, fuel and nets with you. Two Whistle is loaded with Northern Pike. This is a great fishing trip for the kids or any angler not possessing the patience for Walleye fishing. Anglers who bring up fly rods or kayaks would also enjoy the excellent Northern Pike fishing. The action will tear up some tackle!
Keep a look out for wildlife. Moose, Timber Wolf and Woodland Caribou are frequently sited along the shores.
Due to the size of the lake, the Ministry of Natural Resources limits the usage to 36 anglers a year.
Possession limits are in accordance to your Ontario fishing license and Woman River Camp’s Conservation Policy – catch and release of all Northern Pike over 27”
Map Of Two Whistle Lake